
如果你不是偶像的話,是有可能會被淘汰的! 我忍不住要嘆一口氣, 唉~~~~!! 這個節目已說了就是要找美國人的偶像,如果沒有什麼明顯特徵, 唱得再好也是枉然,這個人就是Burnell Taylor, 直接敗在Classic Rock 那一集。。我承認我有點傷心, 我一直認為自從Devin被淘汰後,他應該會是最後一個留下來的男生, 但美國人啊。。還是投了很多同情票給有語言障礙的Lazaro Arbos, 沒法子, 這世界就是這麼多不公平, 除非你超級無敵厲害好,只能說Burnell 你很好, 但還不夠好。。。 唉~~~

Burnell的聲音聽來很溫卻綿裏藏針,他一開口你不會有太大的感覺, 但在歌裡他放很多感情進去,把你一步一步拉進去,等你發現時已爬不出來,可以聽得出他有很多R Kelly影子(I believe I can fly 的主唱人),但他的聲線偏扁,有種小男孩的fu,看起來沒什麼殺傷力卻很難忘記。 我特別要推薦這首Ready for love, 這是一首很悲的單戀歌, 他把小男生對暗戀對象的無奈唱得讓人好心酸,幾段尾句的轉音把情緒帶到我們一個忍不住要升天的境界, 好棒的一場表演。



"Ready For Love"

   I am ready for love。 Why are you hiding from me。 

  I'd quickly give my freedom, To be held in your captivity

I am ready for love。All of the joy and the pain。 And all the time that it takes。 
Just to stay in your good grace
Lately I've been thinking。 Maybe you're not ready for me。 
Maybe you think I need to learn maturity。 
They say watch what you ask for 。 Cause you might receive 。 
But if you ask me tomorrow 。 I'll say the same thing

I am ready for love。 Would you please lend me your ear? 
I promise I won't complain 。 I just need you to acknowledge I am here

If you give me half a chance。I'll prove this to you 。
I will be patient, kind, faithful and true。
To a man who loves music !A man who loves art。
Respect's the spirit world。And thinks with his heart

I am ready for love。If you'll take me in your hands。
I will learn what you teach。And do the best that I can

I am ready for love。
Here with an offering of My voice,My Eyes,My soul,My mind

Tell me what is enough,To prove I am ready for love

I am ready

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